2023 Client Brochure WYOMING EDITION 2023 01 31

W HAT IS G REEN B UILDING ? Green Building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource - efficient throughout a building's life - cycle from sighting and orientation on the lot to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. Green Buildings are designed to reduce their overall impact on human health and the environment by:  Efficiently using energy, water, and resources  Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation  Protecting occupant health For example, green buildings can incorporate sustainable materials in their construction, feature water systems that reduce and reuse water, and incorporate highly insulated walls, floors and roof areas to reduce heating and cooling costs and energy consumption. S TANDARD G REEN B UILDING P RACTICES Green building techniques and design are considered for all Teton Heritage Builders™ projects. This approach helps decrease heating and cooling costs, increase indoor air quality, reduce operations and maintenance costs, conserve natural resources and water as well as make the most of natural light. The use of alternative energy sources - photovoltaic panels, geothermal heat pumps, and passive solar design - can dramatically decrease the fossil fuel consumption of a home. THB’s LEED Accredited Professionals incorporate many standard green building tech-niques into our homes. One common practice is the blower door test . This process is used to quantify air leakage. A blower door test uses a powerful fan that mounts into an exterior door frame to pull air out of the house, thereby lowering the air pressure inside. The higher outside air pressure then flows in through all unsealed cracks and openings. Once these leakage areas are identified materials such as caulking, weather strips, and spray foam are used to seal the areas and improves the home’s energy performance. C ERTIFIED B UILDINGS The US Green Building Council created LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification to quan tify how healthy and well environmentally balanced a building is. Many of THB’s standard construction processes count towards LEED certification. We combine practices such as the use of recycled materials, energy efficient sys tems, ensuring building envelope management, irrigation design and pollution management. Our LEED Accredited Professionals will work with the designers to create a de sign and construction plan that will meet LEED certified levels (albeit Silver, Gold or Platinum).


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